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Thursday, March 31, 2011

3DS or 3Disease?

    Nintendo had a big release on Sunday, the 3DS. What made this portable gaming console special is that it was 3D, but there was more... NO GLASSES! Thats right, no pesky 3D glasses to get in the way. This device is revolutionary in the sense of brining 3D gaming to portable consoles and to do so without glasses. It is simply incredible. Surprisingly, the crowd that gathered at the release site in New York was big, but not as large as previous console releases. Why was this? Some people guess the games. Through time, Nintendo fans stick with the classics. For lack of a better example the Wii, it was released with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. We all now how big the Wii was when it came out. Nintendo didn't go down that path this time. Nintendo released the 3DS with games like "Super Monkey Ball 3D," "Asphalt 3D," "Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition", and "Lego Star Wars III." Now don't get me wrong, those aren't bad games, but are those the games people want to see on the release date? 

    Others argue it isn't about the games but about the Headaches the 3D can bring. Nintendo specifically recommends holding the 3DS in a 10-14 inch range from your face to create the best possible 3D representation. The positioning is do-able, but is the 3D? The 3D has reportedly given headaches and nausea. Its also been said to be straining on the eyes (more-so than other systems) and can possibly make you feel cross-eyed. I don't know about you, but I think I'll stick with my 2DS for now.


  1. While glasses-less 3D is revolutionary, I doubt its worth the literal headache.
    Might just have to wait until the tech becomes a bit easier on the eyes.

  2. It sounds like a cool thing to have, but not if it gives you a headache to use.

  3. I agree, I'll let Nintendo work on a way to reduce headaches before I drop money on the 3DS.

  4. All this 3D technology is kind of bizarre to me, I don't even really like the 3D movies. I'm thinking that 3D as a whole might just be a new fad that will never catch on.

  5. Wow, nice pun bro. I'm def looking forward to more posts from ya. +follow.

  6. yup, been hearing about the headache thing

  7. No way that I can afford one. I would mess with one if a friend had it but, prolly never buy one.

  8. 3D is pretty cool if you ask me. Following you!

  9. lold at the 2DS hahaha.

    off topic: the NGP's weird back touch screen looks too gimicky. it feels forced. sony cant come up with interesting stuff like nintendo.

  10. I heard you could watch Netflix on the 3DS. Why you would want to do is another matter entirely.

  11. I hate all this 3d crap coming out. I just think it's pointless

  12. lol they had the same problems with the virtual boy

  13. I like the idea of portable 3D, and without glasses is even better. But the fact that is headache inducing is a real turn off for me. I like the idea of 3D movies where ever you go though. What about you guys?

  14. Nintendo says that people under 8 shouldn't play the 3DS. It can ruin their eyesight at that age because their eyes aren't developed by then.

  15. Haha! I've been wondering about this. When I first heard about the Nintendo 3DS the eye strain was the first thing that came to mind.

    I think I'd rather stick with my psp 3000 too. If I had the money I would probably buy the classin Nintendo DS. But beggars can't be choosers so... Thanks mom!

  16. i tried one today, it totally made my eyes go funny for at the start - awesome otherwise

  17. I've yet to have a go on one but I can't see it be anything more than a gimmick in the long run.

    A shame too, because the DS is an awesome console in general.

  18. i'm going to get me one of these asap

  19. I don't like the 3D thing, it gives me headaches... :( It's a shame though because the technology is great...

  20. Thanks for all the feedback! You guys are awesome

  21. They looked so high-tech but not useful really think i'll just keep my old one

  22. That 3D thing doesn't worth the price :/
